Where can I get men used underwear and swimwear?

Hey I would like to buy some used/worn underwear, shorts, swimwear, boxers, etc from cool guys, can you help me?

Find some cool guys and steal their underwear.

Hey - I may be able to help u out. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080917230127AAlMMwh&kid=GMZqUlu8WFUki5tvw3jd&s=comm&date=2009-01-29+08%3A49%3A20&.crumb=

Hello!!! Buying used underwear from someone cool, isn't nessacerially gonna make you cool,LOL better to spend money on new ones instead of paying to sit in some Dr. office for hours waiting for test results telling you that you have just contracted some dreaded disease

Have you tried ebanned? If they don't have it, they might be able to suggest a site that does, or even open a category.

You're cool, just get new stuff. Anyway, how do you know the previous owners were cool unless you buy things from them directly and know who they are?

i hear that the goodwill was having a buy one get one free sale. the salvation army usually has previous worn undies for a good price!

You could try working backstage when there is a male model doing a shoot , and probably steal em undies >:)

Hahahahahaha thats fricken sick!

u cud get diseases by wearing used underwear

LMAO, Get it from Ebay, or ask Michael Jackson for some underwear. I heard he selling his.

You acn try EBay. But I recommend you buy new ones.



From thrift shops!

LOL try Ebay?

I'm going to throw up. You sicko!

whoa idk ebay or amazon idk thats a new one

a thrift store

hmmm. thrift shops?

wtf.lol, is this a joke?

i wouldnt reccomend that. you can get herpes

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