What are the best kind of swimwear goggles to use around the pool?

the kind i have usally leaks or fogs up. so anybody know any gud swimwear goggles that i cud use, the kind that doesnt fog up or leak? if u know the anwer to this plz help me out.

thanks lots. comment/vote/fav.

Speedo Vanquishers are by far the best goggles I've ever used. I've been swimming competitively for 10 years now and i've tried most types of goggles! I highly recommend the vanquishers. They sell them all over the place too so just go to any sports store and they'll definitely have them.

this bs pisses me off. vanquishers suck, and this user sucks at swimming. vanquishers start to hurt after awhile. they also leak a lot. speed sockets don't have all that thick padding and they are a lot more sleek. they just sit on ur face, no suction or anything. http://answers.yahoo.com/question/accuse_write?qid=20080723090255AAGAxw6&kid=BaBaOk.7Emrd6YFNAKxP&s=comm&date=2008-07-24+20%3A49%3A29&.crumb=

Yes of course, there is line of goggles from Speedo, called the Speedo Vanquisher goggles, that were made for olympic level swimmers, but have gone on the market at your local retail store like Target and are extremely durable and obviously well-made. However, goggles will not last you a lifetime, they are not invincible so you will have to get newer pairs in the future.

speedo speed socket goggles. they are really comfortable and don't leak. u need to wash them off with freshwater like the directions say so that the antifog layer doesn't get damaged

Speedo Vanquisher

Speedo. All of them are good. Vanquisher is my fav.



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